Wild May

The midi-skirt has been around for a couple seasons now and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. In fact, pencil versions were paired with cropped brassieres on multiple runways for spring ‘12. Although my chiseled abs are beginning to reveal themselves, I know that midriff exposure is frowned upon in the world of collegiate instructors. The “wild” bar can only be raised to levels of animal print blouse paired with midi-skirt. As per usual, my height deficiency forces me to abandon any notion that flats could serve as appropriate footwear in this look. Other road vehicles watch out! This girl bikes in 4" wedge platforms in order to maintain a slender calf in a potentially unflattering skirt length.

Keeping that in mind, a few midi-skirt tips:

  • Unless you, the wearer, are over 5’8" please wear heels. Pick your poison: wedges, t-strap, peep-toe. Don’t even think about anything under 3". Actually, side life note, don’t ever think about anything under 3". What’s the point?
  • Invest in a color or print. Spring is the season to experiment and the best way is with a skirt! It is a half-commitment…and who doesn’t love that? Side life note #2: I am not suggesting half-commitments are good in all aspects of life, in fact it is best to fully commitment to something if you’re even going to spend a bit of your time with someone/something. Moments you’ll never get back call for 100% commitment. Free passes are only allowed in regards to fashion risks.
  • If you own a solid blazer, solid midi skirt, and have worked on chiseling your abs all winter try a cropped brassiere! In this case it must be printed to add a bit of ladylike appeal. Someone must work this look and I will live vicariously through you. Currently on the hunt for a PW Dolce floral cropped brassiere…stay tuned.

I am so conflicted about this upcoming Gatsby remake.


The brilliant Leo DiCaprio as Gatsby.

20s wardrobing at its finest. 

The parties look as glamorous on the previews as they did in my head when I first opened the glorious pages of this F. Scott Fitzgerald classic.


Why must Toby Maguire ruin all my favorite movies? First Spiderman and now Gatsby as Nick Carraway.

Daisy is blonde? I don’t mind C. Mulligan, but this completely alters my mental picture of the character.

Same director as Moulin Rouge. This could be fantastic, but it could also be a wild ride not fitting of the subtle Gatsby mood.

GREAT GATSBY Trailer (2012) Movie HD (by MovieclipsCOMINGSOON)

My Struggle with Skinnies

What’s the vivid nightmare that causes a fashionista to wake up in a cold sweat night after night? Pre-season uncertainty that makes me toss & turn lies in my yearly struggle with skinny jeans. I have hunted for the majority of a decade for a pair that doesn’t require a personal assistant to remove at the end of the day. Two years ago, I thought I had thrown in the towel. I came to the realization that I’d be forever trapped in boot cuts or the wide leg. I thought I might toss out all my flats because only skinnies look adorable with ballet flats. I made peace with this, and then…colored skinnies appeared. I couldn’t say no this trend. My middle name was practically color block. If there was ever an opportunity to wear more than two colors in one outfit I took it! Colored skinnies were the fulfillment for all my color blocking desires!

Over the summer I hunted diligently for a pair to fit comfortably in all the right places with just the perfect amount of stretch. No luck. Then came a day where I actually wanted to find a neutral bow blouse for a spring lady look (see: Bows Tie Onto Spring) but accidentally found the perfect pair of mint green PW Current Elliot skinnies for the price of $24! Cost per wear so far this season is $2 since I wear them at least twice a week. Battle of me v. skinnies is finally over and I have emerged victorious.

Just say yes…to biking in platforms!

Traffic patrol watch out I just discovered that, once again, every other country is ten steps ahead of us. The cautionary rules of biking in sneakers are for my mountain biking friends. What self-aware fashionista goes to and fro in lace ups? As I (& Coco Chanel) have said before, we never know when we will meet our destiny. If my destiny wants me in sneakers I’m making a U-turn! More on destiny later…

In fine Steve Madden form, these patent heels are a striking PW Jimmy Choo for under $100. Some might say I don’t change from riding shoes to work shoes because I sit on the fence of on time and late. I just like to think that I’m a risk taker and never willing to compromise fashion for eco-friendly transportation.

Day for my Mama

Today is the day we honor the women who birthed us, and she is someone who inspires me on a daily basis. My mama has made some tough choices in her life. She took control of her happiness and decided that no matter how much adversity she faced she would not apologize for following her dreams. She encourages me to follow mine and gives me confidence to take on life’s challenges. I hope I emulate her persistence, positivity, and passion. Sometimes I just want to call her and say “thanks”. Thanks mama for showing your kids that life is what you make it, and there are many possible paths in one lifetime. She showed my brothers and I that sometimes you have to love yourself enough to let some things go and move on. There are not mistakes just lessons to be learned and new destinies to create. Thanks mom for your unconditional love and honesty. xoxo -Stephie Lou

Every PW Needs Chanel

I discussed “what was” yesterday and today it is “what will be”. The season of the headscarf. Brigitte Bardot has been remixed and I am happy to serve as the dubstep edition. Minus bikini plus investment Chanel pendant circa F09. This remix also includes pieces from my two new favorite sites Shoe Mint and Jewel Mint. Behind every great fashion leader is a stylist. Am I right?

When I woke up I wanted to take a dip in the Mediterranean and walk on the sand smoking an effortlesly chic French cigarette. In reality, I hopped on my gearless red bike (plus basket) to attend an anti-glam statistics on the prevalence of alcoholism in neurotic subjects. After conducting a mini experiment on how many looks I could get from shade problems in the computer lab I realized that a Mediterranean experience on the Oregon State campus was unlikely and eased the pain with Sound Providers radio.

Timeless Fashion Leaders

Wednesday gets me thinking about what was (that is, what was on Sun-Tuesday) and what is to come (Thursday-Sat). I like to think that when I wake up every morning my look of the day is inspired by my mood, color, and the ever important weather. The truth is that my taste, style, aesthetic has been inspired by what was. Who do I love to channel in my looks? This lady above the Brigitte Bardot. When the sun comes out my head scarf reveals itself from underneath the mountain of gloves that is my accessories basket. No one wears it better than Brigitte. Does a holiday away to St. Tropez come with the scarf? I wish!

More from the land of the head scarf to come…tis the season!

Prints on Prints on Prints!

What is better than an Equipment blouse? A printed Equipment blouse! These have saved me on a many brick wall wardrobe days. I spotted this PW Equipment blouse at H&M in Pioneer Place (PDX) atop a white short-clad mannequin, but I find it whimsical and so Chic To The Next Lev when paired with an AG polka dot skinnies. A blouse that takes a girl from office to Venice getaway for $30? It’s an almost free no brainer.

Anna puts it in perspective

“Fashion is a muse just like theatre, art, music, literature; it’s a mirror, a sign of the times. It’s timeless, like music – even during the war, you couldn’t stop people from singing. You can view it as a discipline, as frivolous, as costume, but it will never end.”-ADR